Joining Freshford Church School
Thank you for considering Freshford Church School.
We know choosing the right school is an important decision. We hope our website and, in turn, a school tour will help you when making your choice. A school tour will provide you with the opportunity to see the school on a typical day and Ruth Poole, our Headteacher will be happy to answer questions and share with you the ethos of our school. Please contact the school office to arrange a tour.
School Admission Arrangements
Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27
In accordance with the requirements of the 2021 School Admissions Code, the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (The Admission Authority) is consulting on proposals to alter the Admission Arrangements for Freshford Church School for 2026/27.
It is intended that the revised Admission Arrangements will be introduced with effect from 1st September 2026.
You may view the proposed School Admission Arrangements along with the launch notice (which details the changes proposed, and how you can comment) here -
The consultation will open on 2nd December 2024 and will close on 20th January 2025.
Applying for a Reception place
If your child is starting school for the first time in September 2025, applicants should refer to ‘Apply for a primary school place (Reception)’ published by Bath and North East Somerset Local Authority. This explains the application procedure in detail and the time frame for submitting applications. To apply for a place a ‘Common Application Form’, issued by your home Local Authority must be completed. For example, if you live in Wiltshire you must complete the Wiltshire LA ‘Common Application Form’ and if you live in B&NES you complete the B&NES application form.
In-Year Admissions
Freshford Church School is affiliated with the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust which constitutes the statutory Admission Authority for the school. All In-Year admission decisions are delegated to the Admissions Committee comprising of Freshford Church School Governors and our Headteacher.
Any children applying for a school place that will be joining from another school must apply through the In-Year admissions application form. Before completing a form, we recommend you contact the school office to discuss availability of places and arrange a time to have a tour of our school.
If a place is available for your child and you would like to submit an application, you will be asked to complete an In-Year application form. If your application is for an immediate start, the school Admissions Committee will consider your application and a decision will be issued within 10 school days.
If you are applying for a place for a September 2025 start, your application will be added to our waiting list and the Admissions Committee will consider all applications on the waiting list during the first week of Term 6. If you are applying for a September 2025 start during term 6 your application will be considered, and a decision issued within 10 school days. Applications on our waiting list are ranked by year group according to the Freshford Church School oversubscription criteria.
Class | Year Group | PAN or maximum year group admissions limit* | |
George | R | 20 | These 3 year groups are split into 2 classes of 30 children. |
George or Bythesea | Y1 | 20 | |
Bythesea | Y2 | 20 | |
Ashe | Y3 | 28 | These 4 year groups are split into 3 classes, each with a maximum of 34 children. Therefore, the actual numbers that can be admitted in each year group are variable, depending on the numbers in other year groups. |
Ashe or Mill | Y4 | 28 | |
Mill or Joyce | Y5 | 28 | |
Joyce | Y6 | 28 |
* Admissions limits for KS2 classes are periodically reviewed and set according to circumstance. Therefore, during the course of a year, they may be lower than the maximum capacity of 34 children.
Please see the above links to the School Admissions document for further information on the admissions process, appeals and our school’s oversubscription criteria.
Open Morning
Please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a school tour.