Uniform Information
One of the aims of our school uniform is to support and promote our culture of inclusion. We wish to protect our children from external or peer pressure to wear certain clothing, change their hair or wear additional adornments that they would not otherwise choose to adopt. We want to remain a school that cares about who we are and where children show compassion and kindness to all in our community. We wish to avoid children being distracted by the purely superficial. We also believe that our uniform promotes a sense of cohesiveness and pride and gives our children a sense of belonging in our school community.
Our uniform supplier for items with a school logo is My Clothing. Non-logo items can be purchased from any suitable retailer.
School Uniform
Worn 3 or 4 full days each week
- Navy zip-up fleece *
- Navy polo shirt (logo or non-logo can be worn)
- Navy jumper *
- Dark grey skirt/pinafore dress/trousers/shorts
- Navy check summer dress/playsuit
- Navy tights
- Black shoes that are sensible for everyday wear and play. No sandals.
- Indoor shoes with a hard sole (e.g. canvas or croc style). KS1 children only.
* These items need a school logo.
School PE kit
Worn 1 or 2 full days each week
We ask that on the days that the children have their PE lessons they come to school in their PE kit. We have found that this has greatly enhanced the time children have for PE sessions, with no time being wasted changing at the start and end of each session.
- Navy PE T-shirt *
- Grey PE hoodie *
- Navy tracksuit bottoms/shorts/skort/leggings
- Trainers that are sensible for everyday wear and play. Dark colours preferred.
Book bags
As we only have limited space for book bags, we ask that all children use the school book bag bearing the school logo.
Additional notes
Please make sure that EVERYTHING is clearly named. A sew-on label is the best as any type of pen washes out.
KS1 children all need a pair of wellies that can be kept at school in readiness for welly walks.
All children need coats, hats, gloves etc appropriate for the weather conditions. These can be any colour.
In order that we can preserve a school culture in which it is the individual child who is seen as a unique and special person, we additionally request that our children do not come into school with:
- Painted fingernails
- Extreme haircuts
- Jewellery (other than plain stud earrings in pierced ears)
Second hand uniform
A donation can be made to the PTA for second hand uniform which is available via the school office.
Thank you for your support of our uniform policy as this helps us to promote a healthy culture for all of our children within school.