Extra-curricular activities
Music Lessons
Every week classes take part in group music lessons. This school year children in Ashe, Mill and Joyce class (KS2) are working with Art from B&NES Music Service. During term 1 the classes are learning rhythm through body percussion, they will then move onto playing the drums and ukulele. Children in George and Bythesea Class (KS1) take part in weekly singing lessons which are delivered by Kate Courage.
In addition to the class music lessons children can take individual lessons during the school day (individual lessons are chargeable). Our excellent music teachers currently teach the violin, drums and piano, children can take lessons from Year One depending on music teacher's availability.
After School Clubs
At Freshford Church School we work with a number of excellent providers who deliver a wide range of after school activities which are listed below:
- Cricket
- Football
- Multi Sports
- Goblin Kit Cars
- Netball
- Tennis
- Choir
- Lego Club
- Strings
- Art Club
Outdoor Play
A great deal of our learning takes place outside the classroom, which is frequently in evidence around the school site with children engaged in creative play and a range of curriculum based learning activities.